Lipiflow addresses dry eyes at the source by using heat and pressure to melt away blockages and promote healthy tears. […]
Dry Eye
Can Dry Eyes Cause Blindness?
While dry eyes can cause significant discomfort and may impact vision, they typically do not lead to blindness. […]
Does CBD Make Your Eyes Dry?
However, CBD is different from THC in a few key ways, and while some people report dry eyes after CBD use, there isn’t yet definitive research linking CBD to dry eyes. […]
How Effective Is IPL Dry Eye Treatment?
Dry eyes can cause discomfort, blurred vision, and a gritty sensation in your eyes. If you have these symptoms, a comprehensive eye exam with advanced imaging technology can help your eye doctor assess your eye health and tear quality. One treatment approach for dry eye is IPL, or intense pulsed light therapy. IPL helps unclog […]
How Can I Manage Dry Eye?
Dry eyes can be more than a nuisance—they can significantly affect your quality of life. When you have dry eyes, can you manage them yourself, or do you need to visit your optometrist? You can manage dry eye in many ways, from at-home care to in-office treatments. Your optometrist can recommend the best treatments for […]